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Open Daily From 10am - 5pm! @ The National Botanic Garden of Wales



Our Sparrowhawk hatched in 2019 and was brought up in front of everyone at the Centre. Sparrowhawks are very difficult to keep in a busy environment as they are small and very energetic. Vanth has settled well and can be seen zipping about in our shows showing off her super speed and agility. 


Sparrowhawk Facts

Accipiter nisus

Territory / Location

This species is now one of the most common birds of prey in Europe, although the population crashed after the Second World War. 


Sparrowhawk is a major predator of smaller woodland birds, though only 10% of its hunting attacks are successful. It hunts by surprise attack, using hedges, tree-belts, copses, orchards and other cover near woodland areas; its choice of habitat is dictated by these requirements.

Conservation Status

Least Concern


It also makes use of gardens in built-up areas, taking advantage of the prey found there. During one year, a pair of sparrowhawks could take 2,200 house sparrows, 600 common blackbirds or 110 wood pigeons, will, occasionally catch mice, voles and young rabbits. When there is a shortage of food it will even eat insects such as beetles.

Size / Weight

29-41cm long, wingspan 59-80cm, weighing 110-342g  Females can be up to 25% larger than males and weigh up to twice as much.


Sparrowhawk breeds in well-grown, extensive areas of woodland, often coniferous or mixed, preferring forest with a structure neither too dense nor too open, to allow a choice of flight paths. Breeding between May and August 4-5 eggs is laid.

Life Expectancy

3 – 7 years old in the wild

20 years oldest recorded in the wild

The probability of a juvenile surviving its first year is 34%, with 69% of adults surviving from one year to the next. Mortality in young males is greater than that of young females and the typical lifespan is four years.















A. nisus

Did you know?

In the UK, the population increased by 108% between 1970–2005, but saw a 1% decline over 1994–2006.

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